Intuitive product configuration for
end customers

Using Customer CPQ to the desired product

Customer CPQ extends the digital customer journey to include an important point of sale. Before the first personal contact with a sales expert, your end customer can configure and visualize the individual product they desire on your website. On the sales side, on the other hand, no customer requirements need to be queried, because even before the first contact between sales and customer, the sales department is well aware of the customer's wishes and requirements.

And thanks to guided selling in Customer CPQ, you create a impressive customer experience right out of the gate with the first touchpoint and this connects seamlessly to a consistent sales process.

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The benefits of Customer CPQ

  • An attractive point of saleThe clear online user interface is the first point of contact between you and your customer. Here, customers have direct contact with the products and can find their suitable end product.
  • Generate qualified leadsYour end customers can configure tailor-made products and solutions on your website and then request a quote directly from your sales team.
  • Integrated into your online shopIntegrate your Customer CPQ into your online shop for a consistent customer journey. The customer experience of your sales process improves drastically and customers can order configured products directly from your shop.
  • Consistency throughout all phasesFrom the very first contact to the order itself, all the data and requirements are systematically recorded. Consequently, you can impress your customers with an excellent, tailor-made consulting experience.

Functions at a glance

For your successful lead acquisition

Impressive 3D-visualizations

Present your product world in a tangible and appealing way with dynamically generated images and countless options such as 3D visualizations and 3D models.

Guided selling and the product finder

Accompany your customers on their journey through your product world with guided selling and receive qualified initial contacts. Or show your customers products which will suit them with the help of the product finder.

Automatic transmission of requests

Make it possible for your end customers to contact you directly from the configuration – low-threshold and including the desired configuration.

More functions

Emotional product presentations in your corporate design Lead your end customers through your product world and show them how their requirements can be implemented. chevron_right
Efficient pre-qualifying
of your leads
Filter your leads transparently with Customer CPQ. Your end customers can immediately see if the solutions offered match their requirements. chevron_right
Convenient shop integration
for your end customers
Integrate Customer CPQ into your online shop and offer your customers a central platform with all the functions. chevron_right

Can I use Customer CPQ without Sales CPQ?

Yes, Customer CPQ can be used as a standalone solution if you wish. This is how you can generate highly-qualified leads and present your product portfolio in a modern and appealing form for your end customers on your website.

In conjunction with Sales CPQ you maximize your benefits by creating a consistent sales process with comprehensive support for your customers all along the customer journey.

Can the end customer save their desired configuration and then send it to the sales team later?

Yes, it is easy for your end customers to save their desired configurations via Customer CPQ on the web and then share and discuss them with colleagues. If the customer prefers to be contacted directly, the suitable configuration can be sent to the sales team at the touch of a button.

As a sales expert, you receive the customer's configuration automatically and are well prepared for the first personal contact.

Can my product variants be mapped visually in detail?

Yes, with Customer CPQ you can display your products optimally thanks to dynamically created visualizations – even as 3D models. The visualizations are generated depending on the variant that the end customer has configured.

Impressed? Get to know Customer CPQ. Book your consultation now

Customer CPQ in practice

Product configurator use cases

Pre-qualification of leads at MAN Truck & Bus

Potential leads can click through your solutions landscape with different variants and options at their leisure. Step-by-step, they configure their desired product and are given direct feedback on the feasibility of their requirements. The finished configured product can be saved or sent directly to your sales team. The sales department takes the desired configuration and adds technical details or special requests from the end customer.

Our customer MAN Truck & Bus, already creates inspiring experiences on the web and successfully uses Customer CPQ for the configuration of models, colors, interior, exterior and safety equipment. The customer receives their desired configuration which thanks to the integrated feasibility check is 100 percent doable.

Moving product presentation
by Bavaria Yachts

The online configurator, Customer CPQ, allows you to give emotional presentations, this makes your product variety tangible for potential customers by using appealing imagery and descriptions.

Our customer Bavaria Yachts has already built a positive brand in the first phase of the customer journey. In combination with their own-brand corporate design and dynamically created images, Bavaria Yachts demonstrates a successful example of an emotional and fitting brand world before the first personal contact.

More from the world of CAS Merlin CPQ

Do you have any questions?

We will be happy to advise you.

If you prefer to speak to someone our CPQ experts are available by telephone and would love to hear from you. You can also send us your questions, requests and suggestions using the contact form.


Sales Team
Phone: : +49 721 9638-901

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