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CAS Software technology partner of the EU project CSS Boost

Successful kick-off in Crete

The EU research project "Boosting Circular Systemic Solutions through Virtual Regional Circular Economy Space" (CSS Boost for short) is funded by Horizon Europe, one of the most competitive research programs in Europe. CAS Software is involved in the activities in Germany. The project was launched on June 1 in Crete and will run for a total of 42 months. The consortium comprises 21 partners from eight different countries.

Global project approach

The project aims to support the circular economy in several European regions through different approaches and thus promote sustainability. The overall coordinator of the project is the Technical University of Crete.

How sustainability can be supported at regional level is being tested and demonstrated in five pilot projects in different countries and sectors. In Greece (Crete region), for example, the focus is on making organic farming more sustainable and in Italy (Marche region) on the reuse of water in the region.

CAS Software is coordinating the pilot activities for Germany in the Northern Black Forest region

The plastics industry is one of the main economic sectors in the northern Black Forest region. The challenge there is that plastics are still recycled mechanically and not chemically. CSS Boost aims to develop a cycle that produces less waste and recycles more. Another goal is to reduce the strong dependence on Asian providers and suppliers and to structure the supply chain regionally. In addition, a "Digital Product Passport" is to be introduced, which at the end of the recycling phase will make it possible to trace where the individual components come from and what impact they have on the environment.

Seven partners are working together in the German pilot: the Economic Development Agency for the Northern Black Forest, the Horb Technology Center, Baden-Württemberg: Connected e. V., the Social CRM Research Center from Leipzig, Krumedia GmbH from Karlsruhe and, as technical partners, CAS Software from Karlsruhe and Gruppo Maggioli from Rimini, Italy.

Research objectives of CAS Software

CAS Software contributes the CAS Merlin configurator solution, which forms the core of our solution approach with its innovative multi-criteria optimization. The requirements and data for optimizing the supply chain and energy balance, among other things, are provided by the various project partners. A Digital Product Passport with all KPIs is created based on the optimally configured product.

Furthermore, research is being conducted into the extent to which the social network We.Network and the CRM solution SmartWE are suitable together as a "social CRM" platform for regional communication and how a suitable format can be developed for the "Digital Product Passport" within the framework of a social network.

We are delighted to be part of this cross-regional project and to be able to test innovative approaches for the circular economy with four European regions.

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