Social CRM

In the case of Social CRM (often abbreviated to SCRM) social networks, also known as Social Media, in marketing are used to communicate with relevant stakeholders such as customers, employees or prospects. Typical social networks are, for example, Facebook, Xing, LinkedIn or Google+. The main goal of Social CRM is longterm customer management. Social CRM is therefore an important component of developing and maintaining customer loyalty as an integral part of the CRM process. CRM means Customer Relationship Management and stands for a consistent and rigorous customer focus throughout all company activities. CRM software is frequently employed to implement CRM throughout companies, this can also have an important impact upon Social CRM.

Tasks of Social CRM

Social CRM is an important topic in social media marketing, sales, consulting and in classical CRM. Paul Greenberg describes Social CRM very fittingly. He speaks of a company strategy that is influenced by technical platforms and by collaborative conversations between companies and customers. Besides collaborations, a transparent and confidential environment that is conducive to good communications should develop. Conversations are always open and should reflect company values. All the information and company social activities in social media marketing therefore influence the company's image.

Social CRM as a strategy

Social channels are embedded into company strategies: in recent years, more and more companies are expanded their communications to include social networks. And with the integration of such strategies are more accurately addressing the requirements and interests of their customers using the networks. Campaigns are targeted precisely so that they talk specifically to relevant stakeholders and customers and turn them into fans of the company. One great advantage is the ability to measure success (also known as monitoring) using the social web. The interaction with users or data such as likes, shares or numbers of visitors (site traffic) can all be analyzed by the marketing team using a social media tool or other solution.


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